blueberries1 Kirsty Hunter (C) blueberries2 Julia McLeod blueberries4 Julie Hobson blueberries5 Allison Campbell blueberries6 Andrea Welsh blueberries7 Deborah Cook blueberries8 Tara-Jayne Webber blueberries9 Alisa Shaw blueberries27 Kristie Fiedler (GK) blueberries31 Sarah Franklin (GK) blueberriesm Deborah Creighton blueberriesa Maria Allen blueberriesc Kirsty Hunter goal diggers1 Diana Burton (GK) goal diggers3 Kathryn Austen goal diggers4 Cindy Hack goal diggers5 Sheryl Simpson goal diggers8 Susan Kendall goal diggers9 Minka Elliott goal diggers12 Nanette Latta (C) goal diggers18 Karen Bartley goal diggersm Dean Wightman rebelberries1 Amy Siebenhausen (C) rebelberries2 Rowena Anderson rebelberries3 Christine Johnstone rebelberries4 Sophie Nottle rebelberries5 Janna Carcary rebelberries6 Lauren Mahony rebelberries7 Rachel Sihota rebelberries8 Chane Brits rebelberries31 Gennessa Lee (GK) rebelberriesm Maria Allen rebelberriesa Deborah Creighton the proud marys1 Naomi Smith the proud marys2 Sarah Usher the proud marys3 Carrie Taylor the proud marys5 Shannon Bristow the proud marys8 Lisa Waterson the proud marys11 Erin Crick the proud marys15 Sarah Brischke the proud marys18 Angela Rook the proud marys55 Mellisa Helmstedt (GK) the proud marysc Aaron Grevell the proud marysm Kim Bristow the proud marysc Trudi Pedersen